
Here is a harmonogram of my work on the project. I would like to finalize the project by start of May. It means there are two months remaining and a lot of work to be done. The fallowing plan shows what and when should be finished.


1.week 7-13.3.2011

-finishing chapters 3 and 4 in the thesis and prepare the model for adding interactivity - done
-publishing the data online and place the VRML model of tokamak online - done

2.week 14-20.3.2011

-creating the interactivity of visible and invisible parts - done
-creating the interactivity of additional information - something done but still needs add more

3.week 21-27.3.2011

-finishing the interactivity of additional information
-polishing the structure and debugging


4.week 28.3-3.4.2011

-testing the model / adjusting features

5.week 4-10.4.2011

-chapter4 revision on demand
-adding more functionality to the model - earlier

6.week 11-17.4.2011

-writting 6. chapter (help) - has to wait until the model is almost done
-writting 5. chapter (about the interactivity) - has to wait until the model is almost done

7.week 18-24.4.2011

-working on chapters 7-10 - shifted
-writting 6. chapter (help) - will finish-writting 5. chapter (about the interactivity) - will finish

8.week 25.4-1.5.2011 
